An update on Murwi
She is progressing amazingly well. She is a very quick learner and is now tracking up to 3.7km. We are all in complete awe of what this incredible animal is capable of. Our anti-poaching team have been in intensive training with world renowned anti poaching operators in the Save Valley Consevancy over the last few weeks in order to ensure that they are up to speed and fighting fit at all times, capable of shouldering the huge responsibility of protecting the wildlife and rhino on Imire.
Chiwawe Camp
We have just started to lay the foundations for our Chiwawe Camp, which wil be used for research groups and family volunteering in the near future. This is a most exciting development for Imire - aside from Gomos daily visits to roll in the sand provided for building with! We will be sure to keep you posted on the building progress.
Community Projects
As always, community projects are constantly on the go. This month, the volunteers played a huge part in assisting with the development of the vegetable garden at Chizungu school, and educating the community members on permaculture. This is such a valuable project empowering women and children with long term sustainability skills. As well as this, the group have been very busy this winter and have managed to make 150 sanitary packs for our community. This is something that might seem so small, but it can be completely life changing for these women. Their lives are no longer put on hold for a few days of the month. This is a life changing campaign that has been running for some time and we are so pleased with the ongoing support that the volunteers are able to offer. Wedza can get really freezing, and this month the volunteers donated enough money for these incredible women to buy blankets so that they can keep warm while sewing during those freezing winter days!
Conservancy Research
This month also brings a new form of research in the conservancy. Volunteers alongside our highly experienced elephant handlers are closely monitoring the elephants daily browse, identifying what potential medicinal values each plant has. This is our natural pharmacy - so let us see what valuable information and knowledge our elephants are able to provide.