Rhino Volunteer Reviews - March 2019

We asked some of our departing volunteers for feedback from their volunteer experience at Imire, and were blown away by the positive responses! We have included a few below and will post new ones regularly.

"I wasn’t sure what to expect when coming to Imire, but I feel like the people in the house made me feel right at home. Everyone was at their absolute best 24/7. The volunteer house was consistently clean, and I received better accommodations than some hotels!

Being in such close quarters with the animals gave me a whole new appreciation for them. Also the employee sand community in general surprised me with their up beat and positive attitudes. Not once did I ever come across someone negative.

Every day went by so fast, yet it felt as if only two days had passed by from all the activities we did. Bright, Trymore, Blessing, Mr Brown and Petros were also integral parts of my experience. We were constantly laughing and they just all made me feel comfortable with the animals and the activities we were doing. The time I spent with Sam and Vera was also great - you can really feed off their passion for what they are doing. I can’t wait to come back."

Sandro, Italy, March 2019

"This is a child-friendly experience where children can also get a hands-on approach to conservation. I would love to bring my grandson here. If more people could experience a week such as I have, the would definitely be a better place.

Imire has a special atmosphere. I have travelled for years but it is without a doubt my favourite place. There is a calmness about it, despite it being busy and full of life. I have felt safe and looked after throughout my stay. I have learnt a lot while here and experienced many many new things, from looking for frogs at night, to walking with rhinos and eating breakfast with elephants. It is very very special. The memory of drinking my morning coffee while an elephant browses a few meters away, will stay with me forever."

Anna, UK, March 2019

Never doubt that a small group of committed individuals can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

"My heartfelt gratitude to the ‘small group of committed individuals at Imire, who work so tirelessly to change the plight of the rhinos. You are truly inspirational!"

Yvonne, Canada, Feb 2019

Volunteer at Imire: www.imire.co.zw/volunteer

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