A new women's maternity shelter

After much hard work, a new women’s shelter has opened at one of our nearby rural clinics.

The mortality rate of mothers in childbirth within the local community, is shockingly high. This is due to so many reasons:

  • A serious lack of maternity and post-natal care in the area,
  • The long distance to our nearest hospital, high transport costs and lack of ambulances,
  • Many women choose to have their babies in their villages for religious reasons,
  • Mothers can be as young as 12.

At the local Idube Clinic, there was previously nowhere for new mothers to stay once they had delivered their babies, so they would often go to the clinic (depending on transport being available), give birth and walk or get a lift home once they had ‘rested’ for a short while.

Imire received generous funding from so many compassionate and understanding donors from around the world, allowing a maternity shelter at the clinic to be built. Mothers are now able to arrive up to a week before their due date, and have a safe, comfortable shelter when their baby is delivered. The room is fully kitted out with beds, blankets, medical equipment, washing facilities, cooking equipment and a kitchen area. Many women arrive without even a blanket for their new baby. The ladies can then stay in the ward for a few days after they give birth, to recover and get medical and post-natal advice, before going home.

New nurses accommodation

The nurses at the clinic live around 2km away, so the clinic was only ever open from 8am - 5pm, with no provision for night time or emergency care. Women in labour out of hours would have to try and get to Wedza Clinic, which for some is a 50km journey. Funds were raised to build a 3-bedroom house at the clinic, so there is now a 24 hour service to the community - something which is vital to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates.

We would very much like to thank our donors, who have seen the need for such an important and crucial service to a rural community. You have shown true compassion, understanding and heart to the lives of the rural people, who aren’t in a position to help themselves. This service is so deeply appreciated by everyone. Thank you to you all, we are so hugely and humbly grateful.

We would like to especially thank:

  • Lena Gullberg, who was instrumental in furnishing and supporting the Mother’s Shelter;
  • Betsy Blankenbaker, Elan McAllister, Tom and Lindsay Mckinnon and all the Quoya ladies;
  • David Thompson, who supported the finishing and electrifying of the nurses house and clinic;
  • Debbie Harter, who donated in memory of her beloved sister, Kat Reffold.

The clinic is always in desperate need of newborn baby clothes, nappies, blankets and maternity sanitary wear.

Please get in touch if you would like further details of how you can contribute to the project.

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