Project Murwi
We are honoured and excited to be welcoming young puppy “Murwi” to the Imire team toward the beginning of next year. This incredibly talented and highly trained dog will assist us in our ongoing protection of our endangered rhino.
Extremus K9's Murwi will be deployed to Imire Rhino and Wildlife Conservancy in February 2018. This is the front line of operational Anti Poaching Dog units, not just to deter would be poachers in poaching hot-spots, but to act as sworn protector and defender of a world renowned Rhino breeding programme. Without the support of H.I.S and their 24hour run campaign this project would not be possible, we are dedicated to this project and with your help, we will be able to provide and offer continued conservation support, in the form of handler training, equipment, food and veterinary costs.
Please follow Project Murwi and the ongoing story here.